Android Studio Kotlin Issues
I've been learning to develop in Kotlin these days. Trying to keep up with the development of App Creation on Android. As I opened my project, I got notified that there is a new Kotlin compiler available and I just clicked on the link to update my project. Upgraded all gradle dependencies and boom... Problems
I failed to document all the problems I encountered but this one got me stuck. But heres how I solved it. Downgrade to an earlier version of Kotlin compiler.
At the time of writing below is what works for me on Electric Eel
buildscript {
ext {
compose_ui_version = '1.4.1'
}// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
plugins {
id '' version '7.4.2' apply false
id '' version '7.4.2' apply false
id '' version '1.8.0' apply false
There's just a lot of new things going on and a lot of projects I have done are using old methods. I try to catch up but life gets in the way. Hopefully this helps someone else facing the same situation as me.
Lesson Learned: "The latest isn't always the greatest. Take a slower pace unless your life depends on it."