Enable all ports on a PLDT Router

I am a user of PLDT HomeFibr plan after a series of typhoons here in the southern part of the Philippines PLDT had to restore connections to a lot of subscribers. In doing so they had to reset the settings/changes I have done to default. Which means that 3 of the four LAN ports are disabled and only one VOIP telephone line is enabled (which doesn't really matter as I subscribed to only one phone line and who uses landlines these days???)

To start the following information is needed.

1. WIFI SSID		(PLDTHOMEFIBRxxxxx) [where x are alphanumeric characters]
2. WIFI password 	(PLDTWIFIxxxxx)
3. Router Model		(HG6245D)
### These can be found on a sticker beneath your router

Take note of the following defaults for the Router model HG6245D

1. Router IP
2. Admin URL
3. Admin Username		admin
4. Admin Password		1234
5. Debug/Full Admin URL
6. Debug Admin Username		f~i!b@e#r$h%o^m*esuperadmin
7. Debug Admin Password		s(f)u_h+g|u
8. Full Admin Username		adminpldt
9. Full Admin Password		z6dUABtl270qRxt7a2uGTiw

Note: The steps below assumes you have the same router as mine as default passwords and usernames can be different on different devices.

  • First step is to connect to the WIFI on your router using the default SSID and Default wifi password.
  • Fire up your browser and go to you might get a warning about invalid certs just click advance and browse anyway
  • Login as admin using the password 1234
  • You will be prompted to change password that requires at least 10 digits with at least one uppercase one number and a symbol. Logout
  • Next browse to
  • Login as Debug f~i!b@e#r$h%o^m*esuperadmin using the password s(f)u_h+g|u
  • Enable Web Admin Switch then logout.
  • Next browse to
  • Login as adminpldt using the password z6dUABtl270qRxt7a2uGTiw
  • Here you will be prompted to change password that requires at least 10 digits with at least one uppercase one number and a symbol as well.
  • Next is to enable all 4 of the LAN Ports

Try not to change any other settings so that you do not remove your access to the internet. Now Logout.

Note that you might have to re-enable the 4 Ports from time to time by browsing and logging in as adminpldt and your newly created password.